President's Message
Thank you for taking the time visit us. So far, this Rotary year has been a successful yet challenging time for us. We are now closer than ever to stopping the spread of polio and providing the developing world with sources of clean drinking water. However, our jobs are still not done. There is and always will be much work to do, and we would like to invite you to join our community and become part of the cause.
I have the honor and privilege of serving this Club as the current President. I am proud to say that our Club participates in many both local and international causes. On a local level, we work with banks that distribute food and supplies to impoverished communities. On an global level we work closely with international organizations to provide humanitarian aid all around the world.
To learn more about what it means to be a member of our great community, I invite you to attend one of our meetings. We convene on the first and third Tuesday of the month, where we discuss topics relevant to our efforts and frequently feature key-note speakers to present and share their ideas. Whether you're an active Rotarian, a prospective speaker, or just an interested individual, I hope to see you soon.
Yours in Rotary,
Rosie Ramirez